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RON ZELLNER Texas A&M University College Station, Texas KAUFMAN California State University, San Bernardino San Bernardino, California WILLIS Rivier College Nashua, New Hampshire SAM GOLDSTEIN University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah LEE SWANSON University of California, Riverside Riverside, California RON DUMONT Fairleigh Dickinson University Teaneck, New Jersey RACHEL TOPLIS Falcon School District 49 Colorado Springs, Colorado

DE PRY University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, Colorado APPLEQUIST University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, ColoradoĬYNTHIA RICCIO Texas A&M University College Station, Texas Reynolds and Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, Editors CONTRIBUTING EDITORS KIMBERLY F. Special Education A Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional IndividualsĮncyclopedia of Special Education, THIRD EDITION Cecil R.